Post author Jela Kovačević

Jela, Croatia Travel Writer

Jela is a Croatian-born; Canadian raised travel expert. With her wedding planning business, she is always on the lookout for the most luxurious spots to enjoy.

Jela is where the spirit of the Adriatic meets the charm of the Maple Leaf. Born in Croatia and raised under the wide Canadian skies, she’s a connoisseur of destinations that spell luxury with a capital ‘L’.

Her eye for elegance is not just a passion but a profession, as she orchestrates dream weddings in locales that others might only glimpse in glossy magazines. Mother to three little adventurers, Jela turns every summer into a grand Croatian escapade, spending three sun-soaked months discovering and rediscovering the enchantments of her birthplace.

With her family in tow, she delves into the heart of Croatia, uncovering hidden gems and indulgent retreats, ensuring that every trip is as opulent as it is heartwarming. Follow Jela for a glimpse into a world where travel is draped in finery, and family adventures become tales of splendor.

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