How To Make Croatian Coffee – The Perfect brew

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Post author SJ

Written by our local expert SJ

Sarah-Jane has lived in Croatia for 10+ years. SJ, as she is known, has been traveling the Balkans & beyond since 2000. She now shares her passion for traveling with her husband & kids.

I love buying Croatian coffee and gifting it to friends and family. Each time I do, they ask, how do you make Croatian coffee? So here is how…

Zagreb Spiza And Coffee - With Flag

One of my favorite things to give as a gift when I travel is coffee. I love finding all types of coffee of the world, buying it, drinking it, and as I said gifting it to friends and family. There are so many benefits of coffee – more than just the buzz!

On my recent trip home to Australia, I took half a suitcase full of Croatian coffee to hand out as souvenirs.

The type of coffee I’m referring to is known as crna kava (black coffee) and has roots that stem from the Ottomans.  

I call it Croatian coffee because it’s coffee in Croatia, but you probably know it as Turkish Coffee. Be warned this is strong coffee and when you start making it your house will be full of that lovely coffee aroma.

Each packet I gave to my Australian relatives (who love coffee as much as me) all wanted to know how to make Croatian coffee. It made me realize that its not so obvious, and so I repeated myself over and over. Now, when they ask, I can share this recipe.

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Coffee to Croatian’s is important. No, seriously, really important. On a daily basis, people are socializing, meeting, dating, etc. at the local Coffee bar or at home around the dining table drinking Croatian coffee.

How to make Croatian coffee | Coffee Pot

Croatian Coffee Recipe

I love buying Croatian coffee and gifting it to friends and family. Each time I do, they ask, how do you make Croatian coffee? So here is how...


  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Finely ground coffee


  1. Measure the water into the pot by using one full espresso cup for each person
  2. Add 1/2 a teaspoon of sugar to the pot per cup of water. (My mother-in-law adds one teaspoon)
  3. Boil the water
  4. Take the pot off the heat. This is very IMPORTANT OR ELSE IT WILL SPILL OVER. Stir in one heaped teaspoon of finely ground coffee for each cup
  5. Stir rapidly with a circular motion and return the pot to the heat
  6. Watch the pot like a hawk. When the coffee begins to bubble up (do not let it boil), pull it off the heat, let it settle, and return it to the heat and do it again
  7. Let the coffee settle to allow the grains to fall to the bottom, then pour into your serving cups

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Which Croatian Coffee Should You Buy?

My Croatian coffee of choice is Jubilarna, Franck Coffee. I like Franck coffee, but more so love how it comes vacuum-packed in a brick-like package. Very easy to pack in a suitcase.

Which Coffee Pot Should You Use?

I own a few; they all do the same job, in my opinion. Here are some of the ones I own.

PLUS: When something like a warm cup of Croatian coffee plays such a significant role as it does here in Croatia, I feel it my duty to help you – the traveler with these tips to help you find your way through the coffee ordering scene – enjoy.

After you’ve made your coffee we suggest that you sit back with a great book. 

You can find great travel coffee table books here.

How do you make your Croatian coffee?

Comments (82)

  1. Wouldn’t you drain the coffee beans before drinking the coffee? How could you drink the coffee with the beans still IN the coffee? I’m not sure I could drink coffee beans?!!

  2. I’m from Zagreb, and the way I’ve been taught (the “traditional” recipe) is: one teaspoon of coffee for each cup, PLUS one additional teaspoon for dzezva :)

    Btw, I like your blog, have sent links to friends in the USA who have been questioning me about Croatia. Thanks!

    1. Ahhh cool, yeah sometimes I throw in an extra one.. but mostly when I forget how many I added hahhaha

    1. Like Greek coffee is not Turkish coffee too. When the Ottomans pulled out they left behind many things – slightly modified. You can find Burek all over Europe spelled slightly different and meat on a vertical rotisserie – (kabap, gyro, shawarma, it all means the same thing in different languages).

      As far as Croatian/Greek/Turkish coffee though – they should have taken it with them. I’m not sure why anyone would drink that swill IMO. Not a fan.

    2. Your article is nice, but that doesn’t make the coffee taste better. Maybe it’s an acquired taste.

    3. We have a say in Croatia : O ukusima se ne raspravlja. You do not discuss tastes.
      Drinking Starbucks coffee and one “muddy” over here is totally different concept of drinking. It is more than a drink. It is a ritual. You always remember your first allowed cup in your teens. It means you have grown up and you are allowed into that magical important grown up moment that only adults are allowed.
      This is just a bit of the story.

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